Finbarr C. Martin

Emeritus Consultant Geriatrician and Professor of Medical Gerontology, Division of Health and Social Care Research, King’s College London
Finbarr C. Martin

Finbarr Martin was a consultant geriatrician at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS hospitals in London for 32 years, now clinically retired (but back vaccinating). He helped develop and evaluate a broad range of acute and community clinical services for older people in urgent and post-acute care, patients having surgery, and in care homes. As emeritus Professor of Medical Gerontology at King’s College London, Martin researches geriatric syndromes including falls, fracture prevention, delirium and muscle function, and the applications of CGA across clinical areas. Martin is a member of the WHO Clinical Consortium on Healthy Ageing (2016- ), the past-president of the European Geriatric Medicine Society from 2020-2021, and was president of the British Geriatrics Society from 2010-12, and non-executive director of National Institute of Care and Health Excellence, England (NICE) from 2013-2016. He led the England Department of Health falls and fractures toolkit and was clinical lead (2012-2018) for the NHS funded national Falls and Fragility Fractures Audit programme, which incorporates the National Hip Fracture Database.

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