Shifting Perspectives: Who’s Investing in the Silver Economy and Why



December 6, 2023


The Paley Center for Media, NYC

3:15–3:50pm EST

The Silver Economy represents a significant revenue and growth opportunity across industries, and business leaders and entrepreneurs of all ages are staking a claim.  While “Silver is the New Green," there are still many who remain on the sidelines because of outdated ageist attitudes that prevent them from fully realizing the potential benefit of this $20 trillion market. In this session, we will hear from leaders that have recognized this business potential, fully engaged their aging strategies and are seizing this opportunity to their advantage.


Charles Bark
Founder and CEO, HiNounou, and World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer
Peter R. Fisher
Managing Director, Strategy, and Head, Global Retirement Initiative, BlackRock
Todd Haim
Director, Office of Strategic Extramural Programs, National Institute on Aging
Ron Robinson
CEO, Beauty Stat
David Humphreys
Global Practice Lead, Health Policy, Economist Impact
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